Conceptual Illustrator

Hi! My name is Nicholas Fieser and I am a concept illustrator and comic artist. I was raised in Germany, the land of beer and pretzels, and growing up surrounded by castles and old towns by the mountainside left me in such awe and wonder as a child. Now, I strive to evoke those same emotions in others through my art.

I am an alumni of the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Georgia, where I received a BFA in Illustration focused on concept art for animation and video games. My goal is to work for a game studio creating characters and environments and tell great stories.

When I am not drawing I like to travel, play video games, and watch movies. I hope to see as much of the world as I can and I love finding inspiration in foreign environments.



(571) 420-4261


Nicholas Fieser